RCCS releases 2020 Annual Report

May 26, 2021

Richland County Children Services has released the 2020 Annual Report, “Building Community and Hope.” 

Click here to view the report

The report honors the RCCS caseworkers and support staff, the frontline heroes helping children and families in Richland County throughout the pandemic.

The report highlights the agency’s Excellence in Programs, that include OhioKAN Navigator Program, Ohio Accelerated Safety Analysis Protocol (ASAP), Father Within Parenting Workshop and Racial Equity Training.

The report also includes a letter from Executive Director Nikki Harless, and a section called "Building Community and Hope,” which highlights community events the employees of RCCS have participated in as a way to give back to the residents and communities the agency supports.

“2020 was the year of ‘uncertainty and ‘unprecedented’ times. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we had to very quickly figure out how to continue providing child welfare services that were safe both for our staff and families we serve. Throughout all of this our staff, kinship caregivers, foster parents, and community partners remained committed to supporting the safety of children of Richland County. I cannot express how in words how grateful I am to be able to lead and work with such dedicated individuals,” said Nikki Harless RCCS Executive Director.


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