Who We Are


Richland County Children Services is governed by a board of local residents and has a fulltime staff of more than 100 employees whose primary mission is to assist children and families in need. The agency board meets in regular session at 3:30 p.m. on the second Monday of each month.

Board Members

Nicole Blakley, Chair

Jim Nicholson, Vice Chair

Mary Stentz, Secretary

Bill Hope, Treasurer

Judy Forney

Bennie Allen

Jerry Snay

Randy Pore


Leadership Team

Nikki Harless, MSW LISW-S, Executive Director

Nicole Foulks, MSW LSW, Assistant Director

La'Shaun Reuer, BSW, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer

Kevin Goshe, MBA, Director of Finance/Building & Grounds Director

Tara Lautzenhiser, MSCJ, Program Manager

Don Newton, MBA, Program Manager

Sarah Soliday, MBA, Human Resources Manager

Angie Poth, MBA, MIS/Program Support Services

Amy Hackedorn, MBA, Sup. of Administrative Services