RCCS launches faith-based foster care recruitment campaign for foster care month
April 30, 2021
Pictured: Left to right Isolene Dunn, Tanya Wellington, Nnena McCruter, Joetta McCruter-Polk, Pastor William H. and First Lady Sheila Jordan and Carla James.
May is…”National Foster Care Month,” a special time for Richland County Children Services (RCCS) to recognize its present foster caregivers and to encourage the community to open their hearts and homes to Foster Care.
RCCS believes that every child deserves a loving home. In honor of National Foster Care Month, RCCS is hosting a faith-based foster care recruitment campaign.
RCCS welcomes faith - based organizations to support the need for more Foster Care families in their community.
Special appreciation goes out to Pastor William H. and First Lady Sheila Jordan and the Faith Temple Church of God In Christ (COGIC) family for supporting National Foster Care Month. Pastor Jordan gave RCCS a platform to address the needs of foster care which helped dispel myths about the program.
Foster Care Recruiter Joetta McCruter -Polk spoke to the Faith Temple family on Saturday, April 24, about the need for foster families in Richland County.
We need more heroes to help make a difference in a child's life! We need foster parents for sibling groups, teenagers and African - American foster care families. If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, contact Richland County Children Services Foster Care Recruiter Joetta McCruter – Polk at 614-264-6176 cell or 419-774-4100 or go to /foster-adoption/foster-adoption-2
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