Friendly House Hosting Clothing Giveaway Through Friday
September 4, 2018
(Photo from Friendly House)
- Reporter Jenna Ramolt
MANSFIELD, OH - The Friendly House in Mansfield, is welcoming anyone in the community who is in need of clothing to come to their free clothing giveaway between Tuesday, September 4 and Friday, September 7 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. View the story
Located at 380 N Mulberry Street, the Friendly House is a United Way of Richland County agency that aims to prevent crime, provide affordable health and fitness options, and offer recreational and daycare programs to the community. While the Friendly House's big event is the annual week-long clothing drive, families in need can find free clothing for men, women, boys, and girls all year round. They simply ask that individuals in need call ahead to make sure that the items they need are available.
Program Coordinator Brianna Sammataro explained that she has seen the need in the community increase this year. "If you have the need and we have the sizes then you're welcome to take what you want." Sammataro went on to explain there are fewer clothes in the drive this year than in previous years simply because more people have needed the help.
Items available during the giveaway include clothing for everyone, children through adult, shoes, athletic gear like cleats and shinguards, soap, purses and bags, and more. Clothes are only available until they're taken.
The center accepts donations of clean, dry clothes all year Monday through Friday. Their clothing room is also open year-round for those in need, though supply or sizes are not guaranteed.
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