Plymouth Shiloh Elementary student's drawing selected for calendar
May 9, 2018
Kambry Bellomy, earned next highest votes to appear in calendar and Douglas Hopkins, interim elementary principal Plymouth Shiloh Elementary School. Kambry's drawing will appear in the 2018 - 2019 agency calendar.
A Certificate of Excellence was presented Wednesday to Plymouth Shiloh Elementary third grade student Kambry Bellomy for earning the next highest votes to appear in the Richland County Children Services annual calendar.
The 5th Annual Billboard and Calendar contest is open to third grade students in Richland County and is sponsored by the agency as part of National Child Abuse Prevention Month in April. The theme of this year's contest was "A Safe, Supportive, Loving Family - What Does It Look Like to You?" RCCS employees judged more than 130 entries from third grade classes in Richland County who were invited to participate.
Frida Rojas Martinez, a third-grade student at the Mansfield Spanish Immersion School, was the first place winner.
This year the agency decided to have the second and third place winners also appear on a billboard for Foster Care and Kinship Care. The second-place winner was Ellie Powell and the third-place winner was Tucker Keetle, both students from Mifflin Elementary School.
Kambry, Frida, Ellie and Tucker's drawings will appear in the agency's 2018-2019 calendar along with the following students earning the next highest vote totals: Michelle Hope, Mansfield Christian; Rowynn McDonald, Mansfield Christian; Tyler Hubbard, Mansfield Spanish Immersion; Lauren Uhde, Mansfield Spanish Immersion; Lee Walter, Mansfield Spanish Immersion; Blake Frederick, Mifflin Elementary; Lena Kahl, St. Mary's of the Snows; and Lyndsey Schonauer, Woodland Elementary School.
The calendar will be distributed at the RCCS booth during the annual Richland County fair.
Previous winners have come from Lexington, Mansfield Christian and Shelby schools.
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